Thursday, August 4, 2011

Trip to Oxford Golf Course

There had been a gap since I had my last long ride. So decided to give Rahul Soman a call to check his schedule and got a surprise that he was going within 3 hrs at 1300hrs to Oxford village! He had no idea of the route except that his friend had recommended it and it was not too far! As my Dahon was with Lifecycle for servicing he offered me his MTB( a Merida).  I reached his place at Karishma and we took off at around 1330. The route was along the Pune -Mumbai highway till Honda showroom, a distance of 7 km from where it took a turn to the left and the fun started!
          It was a winding uphill road of more than 4 km to the top of the range where we stopped at a view point(First snap). Riding the MTB uphill was killing  my back, maybe because I was riding it for the first time. My Dahon was sheer luxury in comparison. The view from top was beautiful - on one side was Pashan lake and the ChaturShringi range in the distance (Fourth snap) , while on the other side was Lavale with the Oxford Golf course neatly laid out - though wayy down below! (See the last snap)We went down to the golf course though for most of the time I was thinking of the how I will fare on my way back to the view point over the same long route of another 4 km plus. Did a stop at the course and had tea and biscuits from a tapri. Met the Thai maintenance incharge of the course. Then began the trudge cycling back uphill to the view point. My back couldn't have protested more! :) We reached back to Karishma by 1730hrs. I thanked God that I had selected Dahon, though I will have to test it on this climb, but it couldn't be worse!
This would be my last trip with Rahul, who is to report back on his ship next week and with me down with a terrible cold, this weeks option is ruled out. I am going to miss this unique guy. But aim to continue the long cyle trips with him when he returns in 6 months time. Till then it will be lonely long trips unless I meet up with similar crazy guys. . . . . .
 Attaching a few snaps taken courtesy Rahuls camera.
With Rahul(in black) at the view point.Golf Course in the background and the road seen to the right

Both posing near the view point

Showing off after pulling my tummy in

View of pashan lake and Chaturshringi range in the centre background

Oxford Golf Course  with Lavale village area to the left rear

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